All the raw material we use comes mainly from the cooperatives in the region, being subjected to strict quality control analysis, thus seeking to obtain the best products for our clients.

Mostos Españoles has an established traceability system for all its products from their point of origin.

(NFC) Red grape juice

*At the client’s request, all of our products can be aseptically filled

(NFC) Grape juice

*At the client’s request, all of our products can be aseptically filled

White grape juice concentrate

Of the allergens listed in R.1169/2011 and R.D.126/2015, Mosto Concentrado Blanco contains sulfites.

*At the client’s request, all of our products can be aseptically filled.

Red grape juice concentrate

*At the client’s request, all of our products can be aseptically filled

Rectified grape juice concentrate

*At the client’s request, all of our products can be aseptically filled

We remain at your disposal for any change in the product specifications..

Contact us.